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Rapid Prompting Method: Empowering students with the means to express their thoughts and learning.


“I dream that every person who finds themselves in a body that does not allow them to speak would have the opportunity to be known, to express themselves, and to be valued. To me, this is fundamental to being human. In my work I have a front row seat discovering who each student is, on the inside. For me, personally, I am living my dream.”

- Anna Speet, Certified Soma®RPM Practitioner



The Rapid Prompting Method (RPM) is an academic teaching method that equips persons with autism and similar disorders to express learning, understanding, reasoning and thought. Students can develop skills in identifying written choices. As the student progresses, RPM uses prompting to initiate a student’s independent response (without physical support) on a variety of mediums such as a stencil board, laminated letterboard, or a keyboard. RPM also works on skills such as handwriting, verbalizing words and motor skills for desired hobbies. These tools assist expression and can be life-changing for people who are not traditionally verbal.

Through the teaching of age appropriate material, this innovative academic teaching method cultivates the individual gifts of each student while affirming dignity and intelligence. The method identifies each student’s open learning channels and uses repetition to build motor memory necessary for communication.

At Benjamin's Hope, we employ the only two Certified SOMA ®RPM Practitioners in the state of Michigan.

RPM at Benjamin’s Hope is taught in 1:1 sessions. Target time for a full lesson is person centered with a goal of 45 minutes. 45 minute sessions would look like 30 minutes of instruction and 15 minutes of consultation with parents.

If you would like to discuss whether RPM might be a good fit for your loved one, please complete the form below. One of our teachers will connect with you after we receive your form.

My son’s verbal communication is limited to repetitive phrases, mostly about food. I’ve always believed that his thought life is surely more expansive than phrases about Dr. Pepper, yet his autism renders him limited to endlessly repeating rote phrases.

Years ago I began to hear about an emerging method called RPM. After literally thousands of hours of interventions from ABA to auditory integration therapy to diets to prism glasses, I was skeptical. Then I met Keagen Smith, a young man who reminded me so much of Ben. I watched Kaegen independently spell on a letterboard, “Hello Krista. I want to tell you more about RPM.” And he did! I have since met many people who communicate with typing skills developed through RPM. And now I have the joy of a front row seat as Ben and our other RPM students progress, each at their own beautiful pace. I can tell you that I am no longer a skeptic.

A word to anyone considering RPM: I ask you to consider the potential upside for the people we love. There’s a whole lot more to say than, “Get Dr. Pepper.”
— Krista Mason, Executive Director



  • Complete the intake form here.

  • we will contact you to Schedule a consultation with one of our instructors.

  • From there, a student will be paired with an instructor or added to a waitlist depending on our availability.

My life is different than before my voice was heard. My thoughts can be heard. My voice can make a difference. My rights can be followed. My goals can be achieved. My heart can be a light on this earth. My love can be given.
— Nathan, Rapid Prompting Method Student


