Our Core Values
We all have value.
We all deserve dignity and meaning.
We all have limitations, and we all need grace.
We all need relationships with people we enjoy.
We all can contribute in a real and substantive way to community.
We each are fiercely loved by Jesus Christ and uniquely reflect the image of God.
Benjamin’s Hope acknowledges Jesus Christ as sovereign over all creation, and we seek to honor Him in our relationships, endeavors and hearts.

The Benjamin’s Hope story began with a realization that every parent of a child with developmental differences has to face: “One day, the school bus is going to stop coming.”
One day, the structure that helps my child connect, learn, and grow will no longer exist.
When that day comes, every family wants their son or daughter to find a continuing sense of safety, purpose, and joy while also participating as a valued member of their greater community.
Krista Mason and her husband Dave found themselves starting to ponder this reality around the time their son Ben was ten years old. Ben had a diagnosis of autism that included nonverbal communication as his primary form of engaging the world. As Ben grew, the Masons recognized a need for their son and those like him to have a place to thrive as adults.
What ensued was years of research, education, awareness building and development. Krista visited organizations around the nation that offered different care models for adults with diverse abilities. She met with experts in the medical, psychological, community health, legal and social work fields to determine the best path forward for opening an adult foster care nonprofit organization. Krista also spent a lot of time caring for Ben, witnessing what brought him delight and helped him access a sense of empowerment.
“Benjamin’s Hope was built around a simple question: “What makes life wonderful?” We believe life is richer when all people share access to a safe home, purposeful work, a community they enjoy, and a church where every expression of worship is recognized and all participants are affirmed as vital.”
-Krista Mason
Benjamin’s Hope
In her research, Krista learned there is no one-size fits all model for offering care, inspiring the person-centered approach of Benjamin’s Hope. She also realized that among different care approaches, a farmstead model offered unique flourishing for autistic adults with pronounced sensory sensitivities.
Krista launched the “Live, Learn, Play, Worship” model to inspire the creation of Benjamin’s Hope. While many organizations like Ben’s Hope embrace a “Live, Learn, Play” model of care, Krista also wanted to ensure those with developmental differences seeking a home in the church could experience the full joy of participation in a faith community without judgement, isolation or a curriculum that removes them from the larger community.
Today, Benjamin’s Hope serves as a debt-free 501 (c3) organization that not only offers a thriving neighborhood cherished as home by 32 adults with developmental differences, but also a community for Christ followers of all abilities, now 400 members strong. In addition, the 52 acres of Ben’s Hope serve as a central gathering for the larger community--all to help ensure individuals of every ability can live, learn, play and worship in the ways that fit them best.